
Excellent elegant tasting Panerai Luminor 1950 series 44 mM Watch

Panerai, founded in 1860, is known for its precision machinery and excellent quality. It was first made for precision instruments and watches for the Royal Navy of Italy. Now, Panerai has become the world's top sports watch brand. With the design inspiration from the sea, Panerai positioned the brand as a high-end watch in the sports and leisure fields. Panerai PAM00580 This watch to create black ceramic case diameter 44 mM and above using stainless steel bezel; automatic mechanical movement watchcase equipped with excellent homemade panerai. Watch dial design exquisite atmosphere, covered with sapphire crystal glass mirror. Watch with a brown leather strap, retro and elegant. Watch the crown of the Panerai logo design, the crown is arranged at the arch crown bridge, not only unique, but also can effectively protect the crown on the crown; use the series has always been rounded crown, a tooth crown in the side trim, easy to grasp in order to adjust the time. The dark brown l...

優雅卓越 品鑒沛納海Luminor 1950系列44毫米腕表

沛納海(Panerai)創立於1860年,以精密機械及卓越品質著稱,最早是為意大利皇家海軍制作精密儀器和腕表,如今Panerai已經成為世界知名的高級運動腕表品牌。憑借源自大海的設計靈感,Panerai將品牌定位為運動、休閑領域中的高檔腕表。 沛納海PAM00580 這款腕表以黑色陶瓷打造直徑44毫米的表殼,上面使用精鋼表圈;表殼內搭載性能卓越的沛納海自制的自動機械機芯。腕表表盤設計精美大氣,覆蓋藍寶石水晶玻璃表鏡。腕表搭配的是壹條棕色牛皮表帶,復古而典雅。 腕表表冠采用沛納海標誌性的設計,在表冠處設有拱形的表冠護橋,不僅個性獨特,而且可以有效的對表冠進行保護;表冠沿用該系列壹貫的圓形表冠,在表冠側面飾有齒紋,方便進行把握以調校時間。 腕表搭配的深棕色牛皮表帶,材質柔軟堅韌,裁剪合理,邊緣由白色縫線縫合,佩戴舒適。深棕色的色調給人以復古、典雅、大方的觀感。表帶以鈦金屬搭載的針式表扣鏈接,開合簡單,佩戴方便,且不易脫落。 腕表表殼切面平滑,黑色的表面散發深邃低沈的光芒,讓人沈醉。表殼寬厚而富有棱角,穩重粗獷;圓形表圈和表殼並非壹體鑄就,更具立體層次感。 總結:Luminor 1950表殼直徑為44毫米,采用壹種以氧化鋯為基材的合成陶瓷制作,其硬度是精鋼的五倍,卻比精鋼更加輕盈,同時還具有優異的抗刮、抗腐蝕劑和耐高溫等特性。內部配備的是P.9100表廠自制機芯,這是第壹款完全由沛納海制表廠自主研發及制作的自動上鏈計時機芯。這款腕表外型優雅大氣,功能卓越,佩戴於腕間,不僅是壹種裝飾之物,同時也是身份品位的體現。 Skype: WhatsApp:  +86-15631181926 Wechat: 11001486

Most worth buying the Panerai watch style

classic style——Pam.111 As the representative of the Luminor series, 111 is the Panako just after the acquisition of Richemont after the push style, before rumors that has been discontinued, the fact that this year's 111 than last year's factory is also high, the reason for the sale of rumors Because it is really difficult to grab, the market is still selling the basic belong to the sea beads. Retro Style——Pam.372 Panerai as a senior watch brand, in the style has been some of the sword go side, never known for complex. It can be said that simple and retro is the essence of Pei, and 372, is just right on behalf of the Panerai soul. Iconic bridge, the disk with the second hand are omitted, coupled with the retro taste of the acrylic mirror, no more than a trace, there is no less, this is Pam.372! Traditional style——Pam.448 In fact, Panerai California style is not less, but mostly limited edition, and 448 is the closest 424 classic. But the drawback of the 424 is that althou...


1.經典齊備,新手必入——Pam.111 作為Luminor系列的代表,111是沛納海剛被歷峰集團收購後力推的款式,之前有傳聞說現已停產,事實是今年的111比去年的出廠量還高,之所以有停產傳聞是因為確實很難搶到,市面上仍在售的基本屬於滄海遺珠了。 2.極致簡約,原汁原味——Pam.372 沛納海作為高級制表品牌,在風格上壹直有些劍走偏鋒,從不以復雜見長。可以說,簡約並復古才是沛的精髓,而372,正恰到好處的代表了沛納海的靈魂。標誌性的護橋,盤面連秒針都省去了,加上復古味的亞克力表鏡,沒有多壹絲,也沒有少壹分,這就是Pam.372! 3.歷史沈波,風韻再現——Pam.448 事實上,沛納海采用加州面的款式並不算少,但大多為限量款,和448最為接近的424同樣堪稱經典。但424的不足之處在於,雖然閃電標也是沛式味道的代表,但在這充滿歷史味道的加州面上似乎有壹絲絲的多余。448使用了沛納海並不常見的騷藍鋼針,如果能再配壹條做舊的復古牛皮帶,加上亞克力表面那自然的歲月痕跡,絕對的歷史味道。 4.全新味道,沛中精品——Pam.425 點線結合的新盤面,在沿襲了沛式壹門的簡約風尚的同時,有了壹絲新鮮的味道,盤面上那同樣作為沛納海標誌的人操魚雷浮雕無疑更是抓人眼球。相比之下,449雖是限量款,又是燒藍鋼針,但復古意味的亞克力表鏡卻與其盤面表露出的新鮮時尚不符,這也讓425顯得更為經典。 5.新式材料,永不磨損——Pam.441 441,386等采用了沛納海獨家研制的新式鎳化陶瓷,其材質的耐磨性比傳統沛納海常用的不銹鋼要好上許多,實測中確實幾乎不會產生劃痕可謂歷久彌新,永不磨損。全黑機身,茶色背透,9點位置的小秒,日歷,加上GMT功能,新壹代人氣王441有著傳統沛納海身上所罕見的帥氣和時尚,是壹款很“酷”的腕表,這也讓其有別於其他小沛,使其深受沛迷尤其是新手沛迷的喜愛。 Skype: WhatsApp:  +86-15631181926 Wechat: 11001486

Fashion watches for young people

All kinds of watches, people do not know which to choose, and with the changes in times, watches have also undergone very big changes. With the diversification of aesthetic needs and the design of avant-garde, watches in addition to concerns about the material and movement of innovation, shape design has become the key to success or failure. The classic watches of luxury brands usually feature in appearance, and the natural design advantage makes these watches more suitable for young people to wear. Swatch As a model of Swiss watches, Swatch has the power of youth in the world watches. Swatch watches, with its fashionable colors, lively design, and subversion of traditional styling. Before Swatch, there is no access to such popular brands achievements: in a very short time, occupy the heart of fans worldwide, standing position; in addition to maintain the existing layout, but also extended to other areas of development. The reason for Swatch's success is not secret: Swatch is mor...


各式各樣的腕表,讓人應接不暇,隨著時代的變化,腕表也發生非常大的變動。隨著審美需求的多樣化以及設計的前衛性,腕表除了關註材質和機芯的創新以外,外形的設計也成為了決定成敗的關鍵。奢侈品大牌們的經典表款通常在外型上便頗具特色,天生的設計優勢使得這些腕表更適合年輕人佩戴。 斯沃琪 斯沃琪做為瑞士名表的典範,有著世界名表中的青春力量。斯沃琪手表以其時髦繽紛的色彩,活潑的設計以及顛覆傳統的造型。在斯沃琪之前,沒有任何流行品牌獲得這樣的成就:在極短的時間內,占據全球愛好者的心,地位屹立不搖;除了維持既有的版圖,同時還持續向其它領域延伸度發展。斯沃琪成功的原因並不是秘密:斯沃琪不只是報時的手表。斯沃琪品牌定位於時尚的、運動的、音樂的、藝術的用激情去創造。 天梭 Tissot160多年前,天梭成立於瑞士汝拉山區的小鎮力洛克,直到今天天梭的力洛克系列也是其最受歡迎的系列之壹。它的產品包括機械表、石英表和智能表,它有古典優雅的正裝表,也有時尚動感的運動表。無論是對於還沒出校門的學生,還是對於剛入職場的新人,或是正在創業的年輕人,天梭表價格合適,性價比高,設計時尚,是壹個不錯的選擇。 浪琴 優雅是浪琴的基本價值觀,品牌以歷久傳承且不斷創新的美學傳統作為基礎,精致考究與經典設計之間的絕妙平衡淋漓體現在每壹枚作品之上,從而締造出永恒的優雅品位。作為壹個全球性品牌,自成立浪琴就始終遵循著其固有的傳統價值觀,在逾 130 多個國家內忠實履行著卓越鐘表商的堅定承諾。 美度 美度手表的設計靈感來源於古羅馬恢弘的建築、時間隨風而逝流動的韻律以及現代建築藝術的傑作,從人類藝術傑作中獲取靈感,不斷開拓傳承經典。美度表的制表哲學是永恒設計和實用功能相結合而不是追隨潮流。真正的設計是比壹時潮流時尚更經得起考驗的。 Skype: WhatsApp:  +86-15631181926 Wechat: 11001486

Does it make sense to wear a relatively expensive watch, but nobody else knows this watch?

What does it mean to wear expensive watches or know them? Many people ask this question. But in fact, why few people ask, "look at the luxury car driving luxury car what's the point?" In the final analysis, everyone's understanding of the high priced watches is not rational enough. High-end watches are generally used more sophisticated technology, technology and materials, so often watch some expensive watches, you can learn a lot of clock knowledge. Secondly, many watches in addition to talking about technology, speaking of technology, brand tonality, brand culture is also very attractive. For example, feelings, style, ideas, these can achieve a watch brand. So when you read the list of countless, these watches culture can become your communication in daily life and people talk, know a little more about watch. For example, Panerai, it is inspired by the sea, the brand positioning for sports and leisure in the field of high-end watches. Professional design style o...