How Should A Watch Fit? Movie star tell you
How Should A Watch Fit? It might seem like a basic question, but a lot of new watch lovers aren’t always sure how to properly wear a watch. Perhaps more important are those people who incorrectly wear a watch and don’t even know it. This issue is perhaps the most important when it comes to choosing the right watch size for one’s wrist. So how should a watch fit? The first thing to say is that watches are not designed to be worn loosely. Watch bracelets should be professionally sized, and straps should be worn snugly and securely. If your watch bracelet or straps is too tight too loose, then it might be advisable to consider changing the strap or bracelet to something more comfortable. The first thing to do when considering the size of a watch is to ask yourself if you’ll be primarily wearing it with or without sleeves. Watches worn with sleeves tend to look better smaller on the wrist while watches worn without sleeves typically look better in large diameters. A good ru...