
Showing posts from September, 2017

How does the luminous function of wrist watch come true?

The luminous watch can still read the time without difficulty in the night. It is not only convenient, but also very magical. The reason for this is that luminous watches are often painted with luminous material on pointers and time scales. At present, the most popular type of luminous material used in advanced watches is SuperlumiNova, which has no radiation and can emit light for a long time. This material belongs to the light storage type, generally speaking, the material itself does not light, but through the light, until the "eat" light, will show its mettle, bring clear display in the dark place. As a result, some brands use lights to show their watches in order to show their luminous effects. There is, of course, a self luminous, that is, without the external light, itself will shine. For example, Ball and other brands, the use of a self luminous micro gas lamp, equivalent to in the pointer, when the standard place a small light bulb, and sometimes colorful, very...


夜光表在晚上實力爆棚,甚至在伸手不見五指的地方,它依然能夠毫不費力地讀取時間,不但方便,也非常神奇。 之所以能做到這壹點,是因為夜光表往往在指針和時標上塗上了夜光材質。目前在高級腕表中應用最普遍的壹種夜光材質,就是SuperlumiNova,它沒有輻射,能夠持久地發光。 這種材料屬於蓄光型,通俗地說,這種材料本身並不會發光,而是要先經過光照,等到“吃飽”了光線之後,才會大展身手,在黑暗的地方帶來清晰的顯示效果。所以,有些品牌為了顯示自己的夜光效果,特意把腕表先在燈光下照壹照,讓它“酒足飯飽”。 當然還有壹種是自體發光,也就是說,不需要外在光線的照射,自己本身就會發光。比如波爾(Ball)等品牌,采用的就是壹種自體發光的微型氣燈,相當於在指針,時標等處裝了壹個個“小燈泡”,波爾的夜光有時候五顏六色的,很漂亮。 如果需要購買夜光表,親民品牌裏面,有魯美諾斯(Luminox),中端品牌有之前提到的波爾,高端品牌裏面,寶珀五十噚、勞力士(Rolex),沛納海(Panerai)等都不錯。勞力士現在使用的夜光,通常為Chromalight,在夜晚會發出獨特的藍光,比上面提到的SuperlumiNova還要亮,而沛納海可以說是最早做夜光表的品牌,無論外觀造型還是夜光,都非常給力。 Skype: WhatsApp:  +86-15631181926 Wechat: 11001486

In addition to Panerai, what men watch brands are good-looking and not expensive?

Refers to the watch a lot of people think of the first brand is Panerai, shape tough, large diameter, many are manually on the chain movement, is the men's pet, but in the popular male watch women wear the moment , Many girls still conceal the love of this style watch. Although its price is not ordinary people can afford, but it does not affect our love of the watch, here to recommend some good friends and not expensive watch brand. 1    Farer Farer's sporty style watch can be remembered at a glance, inspired by the great British adventurers, which makes it a proud domestic brand in the UK. Farer launched Carter watch equipped with Swiss Ronda 515.24h movement, the pointer color is beautiful, as well as dynamic perforated belt. If you are a racing enthusiast, and have the habit of wearing gloves, this watch and driving gloves can be perfect match. 2    Tissot Tissot's goal is to use the most competitive price to provide the public with a world-class q...


提到腕表很多人第壹個想到的品牌便是沛納海,外形“粗獷硬朗”,表徑很大,很多也是手動上鏈機芯,是男人們的專寵,但是在流行男表女戴的當下,很多女生仍然難掩對這種風格腕表的喜愛。但是其價格也不是普通人能夠承受的,但是這也絲毫不影響我們對腕表的熱愛,在這裏就向網友推薦壹些好看又不昂貴的腕表品牌。 1、Farer Farer推出的運動風格腕表讓人壹眼就能記住,其靈感來源於英國偉大的冒險家們,這使得它成為英國引以為豪的國產品牌。Farer推出的Carter腕表搭載瑞士Ronda 515.24h機芯,指針顏色靚麗,還有動感十足的穿孔皮帶。如果妳是壹位賽車愛好者,且有佩戴手套的習慣,這款腕表和駕駛手套堪稱完美搭配。 2、天梭 天梭的目標是用最有競爭力的價格向大眾提供具有國際壹流品質的計時工具。它是最先采用塑料、珠母貝、木材和石頭制造手表的公司。1985年,天梭被世界最大手表制造和經銷商斯沃琪集團收購。天梭因推出了“T-Touch”系列手表而名噪壹時,並被《古墓麗影》和《史密斯夫婦》等電影采用。天梭將體育運動的表現力、精確度和挑戰自我的精神發揮到極致。 3、美度 美度表的名字源於西班牙語“Yo mido”,意為“我衡量”。總部坐落於瑞士Jura山脈中心的勒克勒爾(Le Locle)小鎮。它意在制造壹塊能成為妳親密朋友的手表,美度表的制表哲學是永恒設計和實用功能相結合而不是追隨潮流。旨在制造出壹塊擁有高品質的材料、精準的機芯並具有卓越防水性能可長時間擁有的手表。 4、DW Daniel Wellington丹尼爾•惠靈頓,簡稱DW,無疑是這兩年全世界最火的新興手表品牌,沒有之壹。在Instagram上經常能看見它的身影。北約表帶最初是英國軍隊為他們的潛水員設計的,瑞典腕表品牌DW在此基礎上做了壹些改動,讓表帶顏色更加靚麗,凸顯學院風。這款Cambridge表帶是紅白藍相間,十分漂亮。 5、TRIWA 手表是每個潮流人士都必不可少的單品之壹,壹塊設計獨特的手表彰顯品位的同時,還能提高搭配的整體效果,這款來自TRIWA的手表便是不錯的選擇。雖然采用了帆布材質表帶,但是其顏色上的不錯設計,還是給人眼前壹亮的感覺,5個大氣壓的防水能力足以應付壹般的環境。如果妳正為了壹塊易於搭配的手表而絞盡腦汁,相信這款手表會給妳壹個不錯的回應。 Skype: gavin...

What are the men's watches for women?

Women working hard on the field, wearing a simple tough man watches, not just a moment with "rouge vulgar powder" separated, but also shows a unique self-confidence charm. Might as well take a look at the female stars of the interpretation, wearing a men's watches, instant handsome, free and easy independent female strong impression: "Castle" actress, detective Stenner Kartik, wearing the Panerai PAM00183. The large and simple dial shows the fashion of the hostess. Panerai dial generally larger, suitable for tall girls, after all, the height of 1 meters above 7 with a 28 mm crown does not look good. International supermodel Karolina Kurkova wears IWC globe pilot series. Tough watch and graceful figure form unique charm. A woman's wrist is more obvious than men's wrists, so watch in 22 traditional diameter to 32 mm, 30 mm dial worn on the wrist looks like an ordinary girl, has been great, not to mention those more thin girls. In the watch industry, 3...


在職場上努力拼搏的女性,戴上壹只間約硬朗的男士腕表,不光瞬間與“胭脂俗粉”分離開來,還彰顯著獨特的自信魅力。不妨先來看看女明星們的傾情演繹,男表壹上手,“膩”的感覺壹掃而光,瞬間給人帥氣、灑脫的獨立女強人印象: 《靈書妙探》女主角、警探斯坦娜•卡蒂克,佩戴的是沛納海PAM00183。碩大而間潔的表盤彰顯著女主的時尚幹練。沛納海的表盤普遍較大,這合人高馬大的女生,畢竟身高1米7以上還帶個28毫米女表也不好看。 國際超模卡邏萊娜•科庫娃佩戴IWC萬國表飛行員系列。硬朗的腕表與柔美的身材形成獨特的韻味。 女人的手腕明顯比男人的手腕細,所以壹般女表傳統直徑都在22毫米到32毫米之間,30毫米的表盤戴在普通女生的手腕,看上去就已經很大了,更別說那些更瘦小的女生。在腕表界,38毫米是個中性腕表的界限,男女戴都不會太突兀。壹般女生能hold住的表盤極限就是38毫米。 德國制表品牌NOMOS方形腕表,33*33毫米,設計間潔,非常這合男女文藝青年,而且服裝搭配也十分便捷。 Piaget Altiplano金質鏈帶系列腕表。表盤和表帶的比例剛剛好,而且款式設計間潔大方,男女皆可佩帶。 萬國表飛行員系列自動腕表。“飛行員”系列特別能體現萬國表的硬派氣質,但是表盤直徑壹般都是44-46毫米,這是該系列最小的壹款,僅36毫米。無論顏值還是材質,都很這合女生佩戴。 Skype: WhatsApp:  +86-15631181926 Wechat: 11001486

How many diving watches do you know?

look for more fun Diving watches have been popular with the public for their excellent performance and stability, and choosing a good diving watch brand is also very important. Diving tables may be one of the most popular watches at present. Do you know any famous diving watch brands? Rolex Today, Rolex diving watch has experienced a hundred years of accumulation, the same is the screw into the bottom cover, rotary table, ring and time design, but in the material and the movement of the machine has been greatly improved. I believe that most fans of the Silent Hunter series table now deep poisoning, Rolex's quality and technology is trustworthy. Panerai For the first time with the Navy Panerai cooperation began in 1900, but the original models just watch and high precision timing tool. In 1916 the military requirements, Panerai developed the Radiomir, a light emitting material with radium based paint, as the luminous dial instrument and use, it has also become Panerai ha...

Why can’t you really have a Patek Philippe?

Patek Philippe was founded in 1839, has more than 150 years of history, Geneva is the family of independent watchmakers, which in the Swiss watch brand has been rare. Has a long history, exquisite workmanship, independence, is the core concept of the brand, the product has always been a good reputation. Patek Philippe has the most complex design in its minimalist design. Have a Patek Philippe, has become a symbol of true love form, because whether it is worn, or collection, the value of Patek Philippe are distant and precious, declared: "no one can have a Patek Philippe, but for the next generation of custody." A really good watch can be felt instantly when it is close to the skin. This is an invisible, silent emotional communication that exists only between the table and the host, as if holding a mind home, listening to the flow of time in private silence. Life comes to an end, time is still moving forward. The meaning of life lies in the passing of the blood of the futu...


百達翡麗創立於1839年,至今已經有壹百五十多年的歷史,品牌是瑞士日內瓦家族獨立經營的制表商,這在瑞士的鐘表品牌中已經不多見。歷史悠久,工藝精湛,獨立自主是品牌的核心理念,產品壹直有著很好的口碑。 百達翡麗在最簡約的設計中,配置了最復雜的構造。擁有壹只百達翡麗,已經成為真正愛表者的標誌,因為無論是佩戴,還是收藏,百達翡麗的價值都悠遠而珍貴,宣稱:“沒人能擁有百達翡麗,只不過為下壹代保管而已。” 真正優秀的表,在與肌膚相親近的瞬間,便能感受得到。這是壹種無形、無聲的情感交流,只存在於表與主人之間,仿佛共守著壹個心靈的家園,在私默中聆聽時間的流淌。人生走到盡頭,時間依舊向前。生命的意義在於由後代血脈相傳,而表傳至下壹代手中,繼續與下壹代壹起守望時間。 訓練壹名百達翡麗制表師需要10年時間,而生產每壹款表從設計到出廠至少需要5年的時間:4年的研究設計,9個月(好比孕育嬰兒壹般)的生產,3個月的裝嵌及品質監控。如果量身定做的話,則需要更長時間。復雜功能是制表業中的頂級工藝,而百達翡麗尊崇的正是這種“完美的復雜性”與“完美的精準性”的結合。 百達翡麗的尊貴不僅在於它典雅的外表,還在於它內部機械的極端精密復雜性。“在最簡約的外表之下,配置最復雜的款表”壹直是百達翡麗信奉的準則。19世紀制造的百達翡麗表,盡管輪軸末端已在軸承上轉動了上百億次,在今天依然精準得令人嘆奇。 Skype: WhatsApp:  +86-15631181926 Wechat: 11001486


勞力士潛航者系列黑水鬼、綠水鬼 勞力士水鬼作為壹款低調又百搭的機械腕表,成熟穩重,壹向備受關註與喜愛。勞力士水鬼配有旋入式的表圈,是強硬的陶瓷打造的,具有極強的抗腐蝕功能。通過透明的藍寶石表鏡可以清楚的看清時間。 勞力士金遊艇 勞力士遊艇名仕腕表於1992年首次推出,是勞力士對完美奢華生活方式的演繹,顧名思義,就是那些擁有遊艇的成功人士,這麽些年來很少更新。2015年巴塞爾鐘表展,勞力士更新了Yacht-Master遊艇名仕手表,面目煥然壹新,新材質,新顏色,新表圈,新表帶! 勞力士日誌系列 經典的勞力士日誌型腕表,腕表采用三角坑紋設計,放大鏡日歷顯示窗設計,可以說是最勞力士的勞力士表款,這些設計都是勞力士的重要元素,也是勞力士的經典特色。 勞力士格林尼治系列 勞力士GMT腕表可以說是和黑水鬼壹樣,都是非常讓人糾結的表款,很多人在考慮買表的時候都會在這兩款腕表上徘徊,其實這兩款腕表還有有些許區別的,簡單單的歸納就是說壹個上天,壹個下海。格林尼治腕表不僅可以防水,還擁有第二時區顯示功能。 Skype: WhatsApp:  +86-15631181926 Wechat: 11001486

Do you know the most popular 4 Rolex watches?

Rolex submariner Series Rolex submariner series as a low-key and all-match mechanical watches, mature, has always been of concern and love. Rolex drowner screwed down bezel, is tough ceramic building, has corrosion strong function. You can see the time clearly through a transparent sapphire mirror. Rolex YACHT-MASTER series Rolex watches in 1992 launched the first yacht-master, Rolex is the perfect luxury lifestyle interpretation, as the name suggests, is that those with yacht success, so many years rarely updated. 2015 Basel Watch Fair, Rolex updated the Yacht-Master yacht Malibu watches, new material, new face take on an altogether new aspect, new colors, new bezel, watchband! ROLEX DATEJUST series Rolex DATEJUST watch, with triangular pit design, design a magnifying glass window calendar display, can be said to be the Rolex Rolex watches, these designs are important elements of Rolex, Rolex is also the classic features. ROLEX GMT Rolex GMT watch can be said to be like Bla...